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Demystifying Life Insurance in India: Exploring Different Policy Options

31 July 2023 5 min read
Demystifying Life Insurance in India: Exploring Different Policy Options

Introduction: Importance of Life Insurance in India

Life insurance serves as a vital financial tool, providing essential protection and financial security for individuals and their families in India. It acts as a safeguard against uncertainties and risks that are an inevitable part of life. Understanding the diverse life insurance options available in the country is crucial to making informed decisions about securing your loved ones’ future in unforeseen circumstances.

Overview of the Indian Insurance Sector

The insurance sector in India has undergone significant growth and transformation over the years, offering a plethora of products from various insurance companies. Navigating through these options can be overwhelming, but it is essential to select the right policy that aligns with your specific needs and requirements. Below, we explore the different types of life insurance policies available in India.

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance is the simplest and most affordable form of life insurance. It provides coverage for a specified term, and in case of the policyholder’s demise during the term, a death benefit is paid to the nominee. Unlike other life insurance policies, term insurance does not have any maturity value, making it purely a protection-oriented plan.

Guidance Viewpoint: Term insurance is ideal for individuals seeking maximum coverage at a lower premium. It is best suited for those with financial dependents and significant liabilities. Understand the mortality gap with the help of need based approach taking into consideration various parameters such as personal details, financial details, family and dependent details, any assets earmarked for retirement, passive income and so on. You can make it comprehensive by adding riders such as Waiver of Premium on Critical illness or Accident Disability Rider.

Endowment Plans

Endowment plans is traditional savings plan which combines insurance coverage with a savings component. These policies offer a maturity benefit if the policyholder survives the policy term. In case of the policyholder’s demise during the term, the death benefit is paid to the nominee.

Guidance Viewpoint: Endowment plans typically yield only around 3% to 4% upon policyholder survival at maturity. If your policy is not linked to a specific financial goal, consider opting for term insurance to meet your insurance needs, while investing the balance premium in higher-return financial instruments for better wealth creation. This way one can create balance between insurance needs and investment needs.

Money-Back Policies

Money-back policies offer periodic payouts during the policy term, providing liquidity at specific intervals. A percentage of the sum assured is returned at regular intervals, and if the policyholder survives the term, the balance is paid as a maturity benefit. These products are more popular as child plans.

Guidance Viewpoint: While money-back policies offer periodic returns, the actual amount received may be less than the total premium paid. It’s essential to evaluate other investment options that may offer better returns Consider separating your insurance needs from investment needs, opting for pure term insurance plans for life protection.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance provides lifelong coverage for the policyholder, combining insurance protection with a savings element. When you pay the premium, a portion goes towards securing the life cover, while the remaining amount accumulates as a cash value over time.

The policyholder continues to pay the premium for a defined period and receives the survival benefit after completing that period. This coverage persists until the policyholder’s lifetime, sometimes up to the age of 99 years. It falls under the category of traditional endowment products.

Guidance Viewpoint: Whole life insurance is a suitable option for individuals seeking lifelong protection and a savings component. However, it’s essential to consider that whole life insurance policies may involve higher premium commitments compared to other insurance plans. The premium-to-coverage ratio in whole life insurance tends to be relatively high. As a result, the yield earned over time from a whole life insurance policy is typically modest, ranging from around 3% to 4%.

Before opting for whole life insurance, it’s important to carefully evaluate your long-term financial goals and insurance needs. While it offers lifelong coverage and savings, there are other insurance and investment options available that may offer better returns and greater flexibility. It’s advisable to make an informed decision based on your specific financial circumstances and risk tolerance. Seeking guidance from a financial professional can be beneficial in choosing the most appropriate insurance plan for your needs.

Unit-Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs)

ULIPs are investment-cum-insurance products that provide the policyholder with the flexibility to invest in various market-linked funds. A portion of the premium goes towards life cover, while the rest is invested in the chosen funds. However, it’s essential to be aware of the various charges involved, such as Fund management charge, Administration charges, premium allocation charges, mortality charges, etc. These charges can significantly reduce the investible surplus, especially in the initial years. Additionally, ULIPs come with a lock-in period of 5 years.

The performance of ULIPs is directly tied to the market, and the returns are subject to market fluctuations. This aspect implies that while there is a potential for higher returns, there is also a level of risk involved.

Guidance Viewpoint: To strike a balance between insurance needs and wealth creation, consider opting for term insurance to cover your protection requirements. The remaining funds can then be invested in higher-return financial instruments. This approach ensures that you have adequate coverage while maximizing the potential for wealth growth. Remember to carefully assess your risk tolerance and financial goals before making any investment decisions.

Annuity (Pension) Plans

Annuity (Pension) plans, also known as retirement plans, provide financial security during retirement years. These plans build a corpus over the policy term, which is used to provide regular income post-retirement. These are available in traditional endowment category and market linked offerings such as ULIPs. The type of annuities offered are Immediate annuity, Annuity for life, Joint-Life annuities, annuities with return of purchase price and so on.

Guidance Viewpoint: With the advent of National Pension System (NPS), it is suggested to consider standalone pension solutions like the NPS, which often offer lower fees and a variety of investment options, making them potentially better performers for retirement solutions. One must do a fair comparison of both the avenues for informed decision making.


Life insurance is a crucial tool for securing your family’s financial future. Familiarizing yourself with the different types of life insurance policies in India will enable you to make an Informed decision that aligns with your financial goals and protection needs. Assess your requirements, evaluate your risk appetite, and seek professional advice when selecting a life insurance policy.

Please note,

The views in the article /blog are personal and that of the author. The idea is to create awareness and not intended to provide any product recommendations.


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